Business innovation outside core
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Will your core business be adequate tomorrow? Most business executives say no. Does your company have underutilized values in the form of knowledge, ideas and contacts that can be the starting point for new businesses? Probably!
Unfortunately, new business initiatives often end up in the shadow of the resource-intensive core business. The result is missed opportunities for profitable growth, and in the worst case, the fate of Kodak and Nokia awaits.
This dilemma must be managed. What can you do to create viable business innovation outside the current core of your company?
The seminar on May 22nd will provide insights on the latest research and practice:
- Why is business innovation needed?
- What makes it difficult?
- How to succeed?
The seminar is led by Mattias Axelson, researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics House of Innovation. His work focuses on how companies can be renewed through business innovation. Jenny Gustafsson from Saab Ventures will talk about how Saab has gone from daring ideas to new successful companies.
You are invited to a seminar that will give you insights on what you can do to create new business outside the core. Welcome!
Limited number of seats at the seminar.
50 years and counting ...
This seminar is part of SSE Executive Educations 50th anniversary celebration.
Our other 50 years anniversary activities during the spring are:
- 9/5 Emma Sjöström, Aligning sustainable and financial goals
- 13/5 Frida Pemer, Digital innovation
Go to overview page of 50th anniversary.
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Business innovation outside core
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